Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE)

Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE)


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Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) Quote from Ron:

"The results from my PAE procedure with Dr. Elias have been fantastic! In 2016, my urologist, Dr. Hoffman, had a concern about my elevated PSA. After two biopsies, it was determined that there was no malignancy, but I did have an enlarged prostate. Over the next few years, I experienced problems with flow and an increase in urinary frequency. It became so much of an issue that I had to have a catheter. I was having complications, so Dr. Hoffman recommended that I have the PAE procedure. He said it was much less invasive than other options, so I agreed to meet Dr. Elias for a consultation.
In early April of 2021, Dr. Elias performed the procedure. I was under light sedation, so it was painless. The procedure took a couple of hours, and the recovery time was quick. I was able to urinate normally three weeks after having the procedure. It was such a relief, especially since I had a catheter for seven months.
I thank God through Jesus that he sent me competent, caring, and cutting-edge doctors!"


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) — also called prostate gland enlargement — is a common condition as men get older. PAE offers an outpatient option for BPH that is less invasive and less painful. Symptoms of BPH include:

  • Difficulty starting or maintaining urination
  • Urinating more than 6-8x per day
  • Waking at night to urinate
  • Sensation of your bladder not emptying
  • Having sudden strong urges to urinate


PAE offers an outpatient option for BPH that is less invasive and less painful. Benefits include:

  • Shorter recovery time when compared to regular surgery

  • Completed on an outpatient basis

  • Does not require tissue removal or manipulation through the urethra, which decreases the risk of impotence and incontinence associated with surgical treatment

It takes time for the prostate to shrink, the majority of PAE patients will see improvement from the procedure at earliest around 3-4 weeks after the procedure, with maximum improvement 3-6 months post procedure.


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