Vein Treatments

Vein Treatments


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Restore the health & beauty of your legs

Your legs carry you through life, whether you work hard, play hard or both. With proper treatment, you can have pain free, beautiful legs that you’ll enjoy showing off. See below to learn more about the conditions we address and the treatments available.


Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are bulging, rope like veins that are found on the legs. They can be bluish in color. Varicose veins can be painful. If the thin skin that covers the veins tears, bleeding can occur.

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Spider Veins

Spider veins are also called reticular veins. They are often seen as a precursor to a larger more serious problem. They are often treated with a sclerosing agent injected directly into the vein with a very fine needle and syringe.

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Leg Swelling and Venous Insufficiency

Leg swelling can be a sign of venous insufficiency, congestive heart failure, deep vein thrombosis or a compressed vein in the pelvis. Venous insufficiency can be diagnosed by your doctor reviewing your medical history, examining your legs, and possibly ordering an ultrasound. The ultrasound will show the blood flow and structure of your veins.

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